When you write your books there should definitely be a purpose in mind.
What’s your why? What message are you releasing to the world? Who are you speaking to?
We must wasting time and be strategic in everything we do when we write. As an author you must look at publishing your book as introducing who you are to the world. Realize announcing your story and your message does take work. If your are not willing to do the work then don’t publish. Publishing requires and investment of not only your money but also your time. We should not be creating things that hold such heavy weight like books and allowing the results to just fall by the waists side. Your book is a brand or as Lisa Nichols once said “Your Book is an expensive business card.” This is a very strong statement but very true.
Ask yourself some important questions I listed above before you publish your book. Be clear on your purpose in writing and exposing to the world. The publishing game has changed tremendously over the years, we have too many resources to play games with our writings.
Take some time and figure out your why.
#blackwritersspace #thebeautifulboss #books #publish #writing #blogging
Tiffany A Green
Blogger & Entreprenuer
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